Description: Births in date order (earliest first), also displays name. If birth date field blank in database, that record is not returned in report.
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# | Full Name | Birth Place | Birth Date |
1351 | Hester Ann Sliger | 1814 | |
1352 | Samuel Highsmith | 1814 | |
1353 | John Gill | 1814 | |
1354 | Henrietta Ariane Charlotte Dubois de Courval | 02 May 1814 | |
1355 | Joseph Ives | 10 Oct 1815 | |
1356 | Logan Highsmith | 1815 | |
1357 | Hannah Elizabeth Lewis | 1815 | |
1358 | Malinda Bellomy | Tennessee, USA | 1815 |
1359 | Ahijah Woods Highsmith | 07 May 1815 | |
1360 | Margaret Lovilla Fuller | New York, USA | 1815 |
1361 | Jane Arterburn | 1815 | |
1362 | Mary Purdom | 1815 | |
1363 | James Arterburn, Jr. | 1815 | |
1364 | Susan Highsmith | 1815 | |
1365 | Katherine Highsmith | 1815 | |
1366 | William S. Fuller | Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, USA | 01 Jun 1816 |
1367 | Rebecca Adams | New York, USA | 06 Jun 1816 |
1368 | Mary Sylvester Billingsley | 1816 | |
1369 | John Elsea | 1816 | |
1370 | Permelia Lowell | 22 Aug 1816 | |
1371 | Mary Sweat | Emanuel County, Georgia, USA | 14 Mar 1816 |
1372 | Charles Smith | 1816 | |
1373 | William L. Highsmith | 16 Aug 1816 | |
1374 | Robert Smith | Maryland | 1816 |
1375 | Susan Ann Highsmith | 23 Feb 1817 | |
1376 | Sally Ford | 1817 | |
1377 | Sarah Billingsley | 1817 | |
1378 | James R. Bellomy | Tennessee, USA | 10 Jul 1817 |
1379 | James Wainwright | Pitt, North Carolina, USA | 1817 |
1380 | Thomas M. Highsmith | 13 Feb 1817 | |
1381 | Mary Arterburn | 1817 | |
1382 | John Meeks | Pitt, North Carolina, USA | Apr 1817 |
1383 | Adam Sliger | Washington, Tennessee, USA | 14 Oct 1817 |
1384 | Elizabeth Purdom | 09 Jul 1817 | |
1385 | Elizabeth Ford | 25 Dec 1818 | |
1386 | Absolem McCoy Highsmith | 10 Sep 1818 | |
1387 | Lowell B. Harding | Medway, Norfolk, Massachusetts | 29 Sep 1818 |
1388 | Lewis B. Highsmith | 1818 | |
1389 | Reuben Bellomy | Tennessee, USA | 1818 |
1390 | Daniel Fuller | Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, USA | 27 Aug 1818 |
1391 | Leonard Kauffman | 1818 | |
1392 | Nancy Highsmith | Pitt, North Carolina, USA | 1818 |
1393 | Henry Charter Tickner | Rochester, New York, USA | 21 Oct 1818 |
1394 | Charles Sliger | Washington, Tennessee, USA | 09 Mar 1818 |
1395 | Rebecca Rich | 1818 | |
1396 | Nancy Strickland | 12 Feb 1818 | |
1397 | Zerrelda Highsmith | 1818 | |
1398 | Robert Swaim | North Carolina, USA | 1818 |
1399 | Thomas T. Rich | 08 Sep 1818 | |
1400 | Elizabeth Vaughan | Kentucky, USA | 1819 |