Description: Births in date order (earliest first), also displays name. If birth date field blank in database, that record is not returned in report.
Matches 2101 to 2150 of 3314 » Comma-delimited CSV file
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# | Full Name | Birth Place | Birth Date |
2101 | Wade H. Highsmith | 1856 | |
2102 | Joseph Henry Highsmith | 05 Jul 1856 | |
2103 | Sara Jane Purdom | 14 Mar 1856 | |
2104 | Robert Bouldin Spencer | 1856 | |
2105 | Millia Harris | Abt 1856 | |
2106 | Julia Ann Wainwright | Brantley, Georgia, USA | 04 Feb 1856 |
2107 | Lorenza Dow Arterburn | 1856 | |
2108 | James A. Wainwright | 24 Feb 1856 | |
2109 | Daniel B. Sliger | Roane, Tennessee, USA | Dec 1856 |
2110 | Millard Fillmore Lewis | 07 Mar 1856 | |
2111 | Mildred Lewis | 1856 | |
2112 | Issac Chase | 30 May 1856 | |
2113 | Julia A. Berkhammer | Williamsburg, PA | 3 Sep 1856 |
2114 | Francis Bly | 1856 | |
2115 | Nelson Gibbons | 1856 | |
2116 | Elizabeth Smith | Tennessee | 1856 |
2117 | Burrell Highsmith | 1856 | |
2118 | Curtis Highsmith | 08 Aug 1857 | |
2119 | Melissa Herrin | 17 Jan 1857 | |
2120 | Elizabeth Cooper | Stokes, Pitt, North Carolina, USA | 1857 |
2121 | David Meeks | 1857 | |
2122 | John Stanley Meeks | 1857 | |
2123 | John M. Ford | 03 Mar 1857 | |
2124 | Joanna Tyler Spencer | 1857 | |
2125 | Emiline Reavill | 27 Apr 1857 | |
2126 | Hugh Edwin Morrow | Tennessee, USA | 19 May 1857 |
2127 | Cleopatra Morrow | 1857 | |
2128 | Samuel Edward Sliger | 29 Sep 1857 | |
2129 | Martha Clementine McCormick | Sep 1857 | |
2130 | Samuel Barnum | 1857 | |
2131 | Mary Jane Fuller | Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, USA | 04 Oct 1857 |
2132 | President Wiliam Howard Taft | 1857 | |
2133 | Thomas Doran | Oct 1857 | |
2134 | Mary Gibbons | 1857 | |
2135 | Zebedee L. Swaim | Pulaski County, Indiana, USA | 21 Jan 1857 |
2136 | John M. Field | Ohio | Dec 1857 |
2137 | Mercy Ellen Waggoner | Indiana | 1857 |
2138 | Catherine M. Highsmith | 1858 | |
2139 | Marthe E. Meeks | 1858 | |
2140 | Sarah Elizabeth Ford | 1858 | |
2141 | Jouett Spencer | 1858 | |
2142 | Frank Wright | 21 May 1858 | |
2143 | Samuel Gatschet | 28 Jul 1858 | |
2144 | Sarah A. Wainwright | Abt 1858 | |
2145 | Mary Magdalene Sliger | Abt 1858 | |
2146 | Sophronia Lewis | 1858 | |
2147 | Sarah E. Sliger | 1858 | |
2148 | Irene L. Snyder | Aug 1858 | |
2149 | Urena Tickner | Pennsylvania, USA | Abt 1858 |
2150 | Mary Jenkins | Abt 1858 |