All These People


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Report: Places: all occuring second place name levels, including frequency,

         Description: all occuring second place name levels, including frequency, ordered by place name level

Matches 301 to 349 of 349  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# Level_2 Number
301 Waushara 
302 Wayne 
303 Wayne County 
304 West Virginia 
305 Whitechapel 
306 WI 
307 Windham 
308 Windham County 
309 Wisconsin  16 
310 Worcester Co. 
311 Yavapai County 
312 York 
313 Yorkshire 
314 Zwickau 
315 25 May 2018 
316 Arizona 
317 Canada 
318 Colorado 
319 Connecticut 
320 England 
321 Georgia 
322 Germany 
323 Holland 
324 Holyrod Abbey 
325 Hungary 
326 Illinois 
327 Indiana 
328 Indiani 
329 Iowa 
330 Ireland 
331 Italy 
332 Jamaica 
333 Kansas 
334 Kentucky 
335 Maryland 
336 Massachusetts 
337 Mexico 
338 Michigan 
339 New York 
340 Nicomedia 
341 North Carolina 
342 Ohio 
343 Orange 'Machackemeck' Dutch Reformed Church 
344 Pennsylvania 
345 Scotland 
346 Tennessee 
347 USA 
348 Virginia 
349 Wisconsin 

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