All These People


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Report: Places: all occuring second place name levels, including frequency,

         Description: all occuring second place name levels, including frequency, ordered by place name level

Matches 51 to 100 of 349  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# Level_2 Number
51 Cook County 
52 Cortland 
53 Coryell 
54 Coryell County 
55 County Bucks 
56 Crawford 
57 Creek Nation 
58 CT 
59 Cullman County 
60 Cumberland County 
61 Cuyahoga County 
62 Dade County 
63 Dane County 
64 Davidson 
65 Davidson County 
66 Daviess 
67 Delaware 
68 Delaware County 
69 Denbighshire 
70 Denver County 
71 Devon 
72 Dickson 
73 District of Columbia 
74 Douglas County 
75 Duchess County 
76 Duchy of Wurttenberg 
77 Dutchess 
78 Duval 
79 Duval County 
80 East Riding 
81 Edgecomb 
82 England  26 
83 Englsnd 
84 Erie 
85 Erie County 
86 Essex  11 
87 Essex County 
88 Exeter 
89 Fairfax County 
90 Fairfield 
91 Fall River 
92 Fall River County 
93 FL 
94 Flint 
95 Florida  15 
96 Fort Smith 
97 France 
98 Franklin 
99 Fuller 
100 Fulton County 

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